In The Beginning There Was Light

The work of a trial lawyer is uniquely difficult. Every line of work has its difficulties, each requires developing certain skills. Most businesses require persuading others about the merit of a product or a service. But trial lawyers have a much higher bar to reach, as Judges are no ordinary people. They are highly educated, experienced and perceptive. And for jury trials, your arguments will need to be understood and accepted by twelve (or fourteen) people at once. You will need to prepare for this task like you have never prepared before.

This chapter is a blueprint for preparing your defence from the first telephone call to the successful result of the trial.

2022 Criminal Trial Strategies - Patrick J Ducharme

The above is the an excerpt of Criminal Trial Strategies, available at Amazon or in bulk through MedicaLegal Publishing.

Read or listen to the Preface and Introduction and subscribe to Patrick Ducharme’s Youtube Channel.